
This page provides an overview of the publications that use pyet. The list is generated from the public Zotero library with the references. If you have used pyet in your work, please add the reference to the Zotero library (collection Publications) and it will show up here!

Peer-reviewed publications#


Raoul A. Collenteur, Christian Moeck, Mario Schirmer, and Steffen Birk. Analysis of nationwide groundwater monitoring networks using lumped-parameter models. Journal of Hydrology, 626:130120, November 2023. URL:, doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2023.130120.


Veronika Forstner, Matevž Vremec, Markus Herndl, and Steffen Birk. Effects of dry spells on soil moisture and yield anomalies at a montane managed grassland site: A lysimeter climate experiment. Ecohydrology, 16(3):e2518, April 2023. Publisher: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. URL: (visited on 2023-12-07), doi:10.1002/eco.2518.


Ashkan Hassanzadeh, Enric Vázquez-Suñé, Sonia Valdivielso, and Mercè Corbella. An Open-Source Python Library for Water Balance Modeling. May 2023. URL: (visited on 2023-12-07), doi:10.2139/ssrn.4450673.


Marta Jemeļjanova, Raoul A. Collenteur, Alexander Kmoch, Jānis Bikše, Konrāds Popovs, and Andis Kalvāns. Modeling hydraulic heads with impulse response functions in different environmental settings of the Baltic countries. Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies, 47:101416, June 2023. URL:, doi:10.1016/j.ejrh.2023.101416.


Pedro J. Vaz, Gabriela Schütz, Carlos Guerrero, and Pedro J. S. Cardoso. A Study on the Prediction of Evapotranspiration Using Freely Available Meteorological Data. In Derek Groen, Clélia de Mulatier, Maciej Paszynski, Valeria V. Krzhizhanovskaya, Jack J. Dongarra, and Peter M. A. Sloot, editors, Computational Science – ICCS 2022, 436–450. Cham, 2022. Springer International Publishing.


Matevž Vremec, Veronika Forstner, Markus Herndl, Raoul Collenteur, Andreas Schaumberger, and Steffen Birk. Sensitivity of evapotranspiration and seepage to elevated atmospheric CO2 from lysimeter experiments in a montane grassland. Journal of Hydrology, 617:128875, February 2023. URL:, doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2022.128875.