Potential evapotranspiration under warming and elevated \(CO_2\) concentration#

M. Vremec, R.A. Collenteur University of Graz, 2021

In this notebook it is shown how to estimate Potential Evapotranspiration under elevated \(CO_2\) conditions and an increase in temperature. The work follows the suggestions made by Yang et al. (2019) to include the sensitivity of stomatal resistance to \(CO_2\) in the Penman-Monteith equation.

Yang, Y., Roderick, M.L., Zhang, S. et al. Hydrologic implications of vegetation response to elevated CO2 in climate projections. Nature Clim Change 9, 44–48 (2019). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41558-018-0361-0

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

import pyet as pyet

1. Load daily data from ZAMG (Messstationen Tagesdaten)#

station: Graz Universität 16412

Selected variables:

  • globalstrahlung (global radiation), J/cm2 needs to be in MJ/m3d, ZAMG abbreviation - strahl

  • arithmetische windgeschwindigkeit (wind speed), m/s, ZAMG abbreviation - vv

  • relative feuchte (relative humidity), %, ZAMG abbreviation - rel

  • lufttemparatur (air temperature) in 2 m, C, ZAMG abbreviation - t

  • lufttemperatur (air temperature) max in 2 m, C, ZAMG abbreviation - tmax

  • lufttemperatur (air temperature) min in 2 m, C, ZAMG abbreviation - tmin

  • latitute and elevation of a station

#read data
data_16412 = pd.read_csv('data/example_1/klima_daily.csv', index_col=1, parse_dates=True)
station strahl rel t tmax tmin vv
2000-01-01 16412 300.0 80.0 -2.7 0.5 -5.8 1.0
2000-01-02 16412 250.0 86.0 0.2 2.5 -2.1 1.0
2000-01-03 16412 598.0 86.0 0.6 3.6 -2.4 1.0
2000-01-04 16412 619.0 83.0 -0.5 4.5 -5.5 1.0
2000-01-05 16412 463.0 84.0 -0.1 5.4 -5.5 1.0
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
2021-11-07 16412 852.0 74.0 8.5 12.2 4.7 1.6
2021-11-08 16412 553.0 78.0 7.5 10.4 4.5 1.6
2021-11-09 16412 902.0 67.0 7.1 11.7 2.4 2.7
2021-11-10 16412 785.0 79.0 5.3 10.1 0.4 2.1
2021-11-11 16412 194.0 91.0 5.1 6.5 3.7 1.1

7986 rows × 7 columns

# Convert Glabalstrahlung J/cm2 to MJ/m2 by dividing to 100

meteo = pd.DataFrame({"time":data_16412.index, "tmean":data_16412.t, "tmax":data_16412.tmax, "tmin":data_16412.tmin, "rh":data_16412.rel, 
                      "wind":data_16412.vv, "rs":data_16412.strahl/100})
time, tmean, tmax, tmin, rh, wind, rs = [meteo[col] for col in meteo.columns]

lat = 47.077778 * np.pi / 180  # Latitude of the meteorological station, converting from degrees to radians
elevation = 367  # meters above sea-level

2.Estimate potential evapotranspiration under RCP scenarios#

# the first element in the list includes the rise in temperature, and the CO2 concentration
rcp_26 = [1.3, 450]
rcp_45 = [2, 650]
rcp_85 = [4.5, 850]

def pe_cc(tincrease, co2):
    pe = pyet.pm(tmean+tincrease, wind, rs=rs, elevation=elevation, lat=lat, 
                 tmax=tmax+tincrease, tmin=tmin+tincrease, rh=rh, co2=co2)
    return pe

# Estimate evapotranspiration with four different methods and create a dataframe
pet_df = pd.DataFrame()
pet_df["amb."] = pe_cc(0, 420)
pet_df["RCP 2.6"] = pe_cc(rcp_26[0], rcp_26[1])
pet_df["RCP 4.5"] = pe_cc(rcp_45[0], rcp_45[1])
pet_df["RCP 8.5"] = pe_cc(rcp_85[0], rcp_85[1])
fig, axs = plt.subplots(figsize=(13,4), ncols=2)
pet_df.cumsum().plot(ax=axs[1], legend=False)

axs[0].set_ylabel("PET [mm/day]", fontsize=12)
axs[1].set_ylabel("Cumulative PET [mm]", fontsize=12)
axs[0].legend(ncol=6, loc=[0,1.])
for i in (0,1):
    axs[i].set_xlabel("Date", fontsize=12)